How to be prepared to influence the instant knowledge generations to be engaged global learners
by Prof. Jose G. Lepervanche Valencia

Dr. Jose G. Lepervanche Valencia (@DrLepervanche) currently works as Professor of Management at Florida State College at Jacksonville. He also teaches Information Systems and eBusiness courses in online graduate programs. He was an Internet pioneer when he introduced the first commercial online service in Venezuela in the early 90s. He has been online publisher, web developer, Internet strategist and consultant, emerging technologies early adopter, and online professor since 1999. His blogs, newsletters, and videos are shared in online and ground courses. Visit to use his online resources to enhance learning experiences. After visiting more than 50 countries he developed his Global Learning Opportunities Building Engagement (GLOBE) educational model. He founded Global Learning News, a collaborative news outlet to integrate global knowledge by areas and to bring learning outside of the classroom. Resources include Outdoors University News, Global Learning Adventures, Free Campus Videos, and Scouting Adventures. In Spanish Aventura Global, Aventuras y Cronicas and Aventuras Scouts.
He is TEDxFSCJ Founder and Organizer. He uses TED, TED-Ed, and TEDx Talks to enhance management instruction beyond the classroom. He has published more than 50 TED Ed Lessons for higher education. TED videos and TED Ed Lessons have been embedded into discussions, announcements, and assignments. TEDxFSCJ Learning Adventures are small events created to do roundtables about topics related to Social Responsibility, Leadership, and Sustainable Development Goals using TED resources.
He is a retired Lieutenant Commander from the Venezuelan Navy and he has a Nuclear Engineer degree and a M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His undergraduate degree from the Venezuelan Naval Academy (First of the Class) is Lic. in Naval Sciences. He also was Honor Graduate of the International Electronic Warfare Course at the US Navy Atlantic Fleet Combat Training Center in Virginia. He earned his PhD in Organization & Management with specialization in Information Technology Management from Capella University
He is lifelong Scout leader in Venezuela and Boy Scouts of America (BSA). He was one of the 43 2009 BSA National Distinguished Scoutmasters. He was Scoutmaster / Course Director of North Florida Council’s National Youth Leadership Training. He developed a Personal Leadership Model to help youth leaders find their way to college and future careers. He is currently Vice President of Scouting Programs for BSA North Florida Council and Sea Scouts leader. He has been Unit Leader to World Jamboree in Japan, International Scottish Jamborette and BSA National Scout Jamboree. He is a Sudden Cardiac Arrest survivor after being saved with CPR/ AED during a Boy Scouts Summer Camp.
How might you ignite the generative potential in your educational design and in your student’s learning?
by Patrick van der Bogt

Having worked in the arts and entertainment and being trained in anthropological and (inter)cultural competences he immediately put himself to work when entering higher education ten years ago on a myriad of courses, trainings and project coaching mainly in the field of organizational science & communication. Within a few years he initiated, developed and facilitated the use of digital simulations to help business students gain a holistic sense of their field and support communication students to relate various subtopics within a rich learning environment. Having acquired innovation funding in 2010 to stimulate mobile learning he initially developed over 20 simple but very effective explanations about theoretical concepts to facilitate place and time independent learning and evaluated the effects on learning behaviour.
Being in charge of a curriculum redesign project in 2013 to revitalize student learning and gain more constructive alignment with the needs of practice, he developed a daring blended learning approach and facilitated some 25 staff in finding their new roles within this and approach education from a co-teaching perspective. This put him in the line of sight of an organizational wide innovation programme that allowed him to develop numerous workshops, models for redesigning higher education and facilitation techniques which he as a consultant in innovation (for over 10 programmes as of 2018) keeps refining up to this day strengthened by his degree in Innovation & Learning.
Also training staff within the University of Utrecht since 2016 he has had ample opportunity to iterate new approaches to educational design and especially. Relentlessly pushing to synthesize all his practical and theoretical knowledge into instruments and platforms for: training students & staff in design thinking; evaluation and generative design of courses and projects; developing learning communities that cross department and functional boundaries; experimenting with open learning spaces that defy traditional and hierarchical roles that have dominated higher education for to long and have made it more and more irrelevant to tackle today’s societal challenges. He endorses a guerilla tactic within the organizational network by initiating ‘HU Studio’ with several key players from within his organization and from without to quickly become and brand themselves as the authority in the fields mentioned above.
His organization wide network and his extensive experience in driving a complex innovation agenda culminated recently in a two day Education Festival with over 100 workshops, keynotes and activities for which he was part of the programme committee. Another project that is dear to his heart is his involvement in the SAUNAC project to support six Vietnamese universities in their development of Smart Sustainable City education.
The slides of the fantastic presentation delivered by Patrick van der Bogt at HEAd’18 can be accessed by clicking here.
A summary of his keynote speech is also available, click here to check it. We are sure you will like it!
Development of thinking skills in higher education: Are we helping students learn how to think?
by Prof. Cesar Ortega-Sanchez

Associate Professor Cesar Ortega-Sanchez is a Computer Systems Engineer from the Metropolitan Autonomous University in Mexico. He obtained the degree of Master of Science in Digital Systems from Brunel University and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electronics from the University of York, both in the UK.
He joined Curtin University in 2005 as Senior Lecturer of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department where he taught courses in digital design and embedded systems. More recently he has taken leading roles in teaching and learning at Department and Faculty levels. He is currently Academic Director of the Engineering Foundation Year, the common first year of engineering serving 700+ student engineers. He has supervised over 100 undergraduate and postgraduate theses and has published over 60 papers on Electronics and Engineering Education. His research interests are in embedded systems, bio-inspired architectures, intelligent systems, assessment and curriculum design.
The slides of the presentation delivered by Prof. Cesar Ortega-Sanchez at HEAd’18 can be accessed by clicking here. It was a really interesting keynote speech!