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PHELC – Call for Papers

The fourth Pedagogy for Higher Education Large Classes (PHELC) Symposium takes place on Friday, 10 June 2022. PHELC, whose first edition was held together with HEAd’19, aims to provide an opportunity for large class teachers in higher education to share practice. Previous papers and presentations can be accessed on the Published Symposia Proceedings page of  

Submissions are invited from those teaching very large classes  (100+ students) in the higher education context.  Papers should be 1,500 words in length, provide a clear description of the pedagogical practice upon which the paper is based and should be supported by relevant literature.  Full details of submission requirements can be found on the Submissions page of  

Key dates:

  • Submission of proposed paper = Monday 14 March @ 17.00 CET
  • Notification of decision = Monday 11 April @ 17.00 CET
  • Camera ready paper = Monday 16 May @ 17.00 CET

Possible topics may include but are not limited to:

  • formative and/or summative assessment; assessment for / of / as learning
  • self assessment, peer assessment, groupwork
  • sustainable approaches to providing feedback at scale
  • student engagement
  • active learning / problem based learning / challenge based learning
  • inclusion and diversity
  • using technology
  • universal design for learning
  • synchronous and asynchronous approaches 
  • impact of Covid-19 on large class teaching and learning

Further information is available from the organisers – and 

We would be grateful if you would forward this to others you think may be interested, in both national and international contexts.  You may also follow us for updates on Twitter @PHELCprofessors

Best wishes,

Dr Anna Logan and Ann Marie Farrell 

Extended deadline

Due to the multiple requests, we are pleased to announce that the deadline for submitting papers to HEAd’22 has been extended to February 11.

We are excited to receive your contributions!








HEAd’22 website is coming soon

HEAd’22 will be held on 14-17 June 2022 in Valencia as a hybrid conference: face-to-face and virtual. Full paper submission deadline is 4 February 2022.

The conference organizing committee is so happy to see you again!

We are currently preparing the website for HEAd’22. It will be ready soon 🙂






Nominations for the Best Paper Award of HEAd’20

We would like to announce the list of papers that have been nominated as candidates for the Best Paper Award. The nominated papers were selected based on their review scores.

The final decision will be made during the conference by the best paper committee based on the presentation and Q&A. The award will be announced and conferred during the closing session (Friday, 5th June at 15:45).

Best paper nominees

Perceptions of organizational injustice in French business schools
Lovasoa Ramboarisata, Linda Ben Fekih Aissi

Coercive isomorphism in higher education: Direct pressures from the state to the Turkish universities
Inci Ozturk

U-Behavior: Visual-Form Learning Analytics to Enhance Teaching and Learning
Kelly Mckenna, James Folkestad, Marcia Moraes

Reliability of multiple-choice versus problem-solving student exam scores in higher education: Empirical tests
Eric S Lee, Naina Garg

Projects with added value to increase competitiveness and student satisfaction
Sílvia Espinosa Mirabet, Jordi Serra Simón, Joaquim Majó Fernández











Virtual participation instructions

The conference dates are approaching! An amazing conference program is prepared for near 200 participants.

We have just published the instructions for participating in the conference, virtual for the first time!

Virtual conferences are not as intuitive as the traditional ones, so we need to get prepared for it. A test session is scheduled on June 1st for getting familiar with the platforms and play around.

Instructions are classified according to the session type:

  • Plenary sessions
  • Regular sessions
  • Non-linear sessions
  • Coffee breaks

Click here to access the detailed instructions. Please, read them carefully to have a great HEAd’20 experience!














HEAd’20 goes virtual

The worldwide situation regarding COVID-19 is currently affecting all travel plans around the globe. Although we hope the situation gets better in June, the current uncertainty prevents us from organizing HEAd in the traditional format.

Therefore, the organizing committee has decided to organize it as an online event, to be held in the same dates, 3-5 June. It will have the same format as the traditional ones (keynotes, regular sessions, opening and closing, etc.) to be the usual platform for networking, interaction and discussion.




















Call for workshop papers

The call for papers for the main conference is now closed, but you can still contribute to HEAd’20 by submitting your paper to one of the workshops that are collocated with the conference: