
Download the conference program in PDF.

Papers are classified into full papers (F), short papers (S) and posters (P). Presentation instructions can be found at presentation instructions.


Wednesday 24, 9:00 – 9:30. Room Salón de Actos

Keynote I

Wednesday 24, 9:30 – 10:30. Room Salón de Actos

The indispensable role of educators in shaping a nation
John Kalu Osiri

Session 1a. Assessment

Wednesday 24, 11:00 – 13:00. Room Aula 0.1
Chair: Maria De Fátima Goulão

(F) Assessment of oral and written communication competences in the European Higher Education Area: a proposal of evaluation methodologies
Agueda Sonseca, Oscar Sahuquillo, Jose Martinez-Casas, Javier Carballeira, Francisco David Denia, Juan Jose Rodenas

(F) Mixed-format exams in higher education: Assessment of internal consistency reliability
Naina Garg, Eric Lee

(F) The role of self-monitoring in adult learning in online context
Maria De Fátima Goulão, Rebeca Cerezo Menendez

(F) The Rubric: An Assessment Tool to Guide Students and Markers
Georgina Caroline Cox, Julianne Morrison, Beverley Brathwaite

Session 1b. Competences

Wednesday 24, 11:00 – 13:00. Room Aula 0.2
Chair: Jennifer Anne Banks

(F) Students’ perception of competences development in an undergraduate university environment
Rosalía Gallo-Martinez, María-Del-Carmen Alarcón-Del-Amo

(F) Teamwork competence assessment
Elisabeth Viles, Carmen Jaca, Marta Zárraga-Rodríguez

(F) Use of scoring rubrics for evaluating oral presentations in aerospace engineering education
Andrés Tiseira, Pedro Martí-Aldaraví, Roberto Navarro, Marcos Carreres

(S) Instructional factors and over-education of university graduates
Vicente Gonzalez-Roma, Ana Hernandez, Juan Pablo Gamboa

(S) Some aspects of the Formation in Engineering: the Curriculum by Competitions and the Curriculum Socio-critic
Jaime Espinoza

Session 1c. Innovative Teaching Methods (I)

Wednesday 24, 11:00 – 13:00. Room Aula 0.3
Chair: Victoria Beck

(F) A Software Interface as a Teaching Tool for Analysing Conformal Antenna Arrays
José P. González-Coma, Roberto Maneiro-Catoira, Paula M. Castro, Julio C. Brégains

(F) Development of an online platform for experimental teaching in microeconomics
Iván Barreda Tarrazona, Eva Camacho Cuena, Aurora García Gallego, Miguel Ginés Vilar, Ainhoa Jaramillo Gutiérrez, Sandra López Ovejero, Sascha Behnk, Andrea Morone, José Carlos Pernías Cerrillo, Gerardo Vicente Sabater Grande, Tarek-Taher Jaber López

(F) From a research project to an Information System course: a professional approach
María Teresa Lozano Albalate, Raquel Trillo Lado

(S) eCity: Virtual City Environment for Engineering Problem Based Learning
Pascual Lahuerta, Amparo Cháfer

(S) Here a Game, There a Game: classification, gamification, and retrieval learning
Otto Borchert, Guy Hokanson, Alekya Peruri, Brian M Slator

Session 2a. Emerging technology practices

Wednesday 24, 14:30 – 15:45. Room Aula 0.1
Chair: Gail Casey

(F) Digitech, Remix and Design Research for course /program-wide thinking and enhancement
Gail Casey, Annemieke Craig

(F) MOOCs as a tool to connect higher education and professional experience? Experiences from a student made MOOC on E-Learning
Joachim Griesbaum, Matthias Görtz

(S) Learning Analytics for E-Learning Content Recommendations
Amal Shehan Perera, Sivakumar Tharsan

Session 2b. Linguistics

Wednesday 24, 14:30 – 15:45. Room Aula 0.2
Chair: Georgina Caroline Cox

(F) E-learning methodology in English language courses for employed adult learners in Slovakia
Valéria Medárová

(F) Linguistics in Fashion: Explaining Concepts with Visual Metaphors
Snejina Sonina

(S) Motivation: A key to success in the foreign language classroom? A case study on vocational training and higher education English courses
Begoña Bellés-Fortuño, Noemi Ollero Ramírez

Session 2c. Media

Wednesday 24, 14:30 – 15:45. Room Aula 0.3
Chair: Nathalie Francine Wesseling

(F) Convergence in Media Education Curricula
Matthias Karmasin, Sandra Diehl, Isabell Koinig

(F) The use of horizontal social networks to promote and publicize university teaching
Eva Lahuerta-Otero, Rebeca Cordero-Gutiérrez

(S) Observatorio de la Calidad de la Información en Televisión. A Research and Teaching Project: ‘Cloud’ Analysis of Contents. Collaborative and Interactive Learning
Rafael Díaz Arias, Joaquín Sotelo González

Session 3a. Economics

Wednesday 24, 16:15 – 17:45. Room Aula 0.1
Chair: Terry Reilly

(F) Does family background affect job allocation for college graduates in China?
Changjun Yue

(F) How Financial Education affects Mathematics performance? Evidence from Spain in the context of the Program School 2.0
Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto

(F) The Winding Path Back to School: Hidden Obstacles to Higher Education for Low-Income Single Mothers
Amanda Lynne Freeman

Session 3b. Engineering

Wednesday 24, 16:15 – 17:45. Room Aula 0.2
Chair: Ida Kukliansky

(F) Analysis of Students’ Off-Site Work in Current University Studies
Eva Antonino-Daviu, David De Andrés-Martínez, Alberto Palomares-Chust, Juan Carlos Ruiz-García, Carmina Gisbert-Doménech, Antonio Peña-Cerdán, Jose Vicente Ballester-Server, Carlos Villavieja-Llorente

(F) The Contextual Learning Approach in Engineering Education
Ida Kukliansky, Shai Rozenes

(S) Choosing degree among engineering students; Influence on the success
Mónica Preciado, Marta Rojo, Ignacio Moreno, Manuel Solaguren-Beascoa, Hernán Gonzalo

(S) Face-based constructive approach in 3D environment to facilitate the interpretation of multiview orthographic projection to future engineers
Victoria Pérez-Belis, Verónica Gracia-Ibáñez, Raquel Plumed, Miquel Gómez-Fabra, Maria Jesús Agost, Ana Piquer, Carmen González-Lluch, Mariana Núñez-García

Session 3c. Ethics and Culture

Wednesday 24, 16:15 – 17:45. Room Aula 0.3
Chair: Beverley Brathwaite

(F) Fostering a Technologically Innovative Teaching Culture
Jennifer Anne Banks, Jasmine Cheng, Sally Payne

(F) Spiralling up professionalism: an integrated model for higher education
Amanda Jane Davies, Helen Mary Lynch

(F) Teaching Professional Ethics in Mexican and Spanish Universities
Ana Hirsch Adler, Cecilia Navia Antezana

Session 4a. Health

Thursday 25, 9:00 – 10:30. Room Aula 0.1
Chair: Michael Bergin

(F) The contributions of social interdisciplinary practices in problem-base learning medicine course.
Marcelo Fernandes Da Silva, Pollyanna Alves Dias Costa, Maria Conceição Scaldaferri Fernandes, Ana Carolina Alvares Lavigne De Lemos Tavares, Meire Núbia Santana, Mercia Alves Da Silva Margotto

(F) The preparedness of medical students from the Middle East for the modern curriculum: a cross-sectional study
Fiza Rashid-Doubell, Tim Doubell, Robin O’Sullivan, Khalifa Elmusharaf

(S) Flipped classroom as a methodology to acquire knowledge and skills in an integrated manner in basic subjects in Medicine.
Clara Azpeleta, Beatriz Gal, Francisco Suárez, Cristina Sánchez-Camacho

(S) Outside the classroom: Community health education to prevent diseases in South Bahia, Brazil.
Vinícius Nunes Cordeiro Leal, Nícolle Paiva Dos Santos, Matheus Libarino Santos, Priscila Dos Santos Mendes, Thâmis Ariani Gusmão Pellizzoni, Marcelo Fernandes Da Silva

Session 4b. Problem-based Learning

Thursday 25, 9:00 – 10:30. Room Aula 0.2
Chair: Amanda Jane Davies

(F) A Project Based Learning interuniversity experience in materials science
Luis Cabedo, Teresa Guraya, Pablo López-Crespo, Marta Royo, José Gámez-Pérez, Mercè Segarra, Lidón Moliner

(F) Assessment of problem-solving skills in subjects related to mechanical and materials engineering
Jose Martinez-Casas, Oscar Sahuquillo, Agueda Sonseca, Javier Carballeira, Francisco David Denia, Onofre Marco

(F) Interdisciplinary and integrative learning of neuroscience in first-year Psychology students
María José Álvarez Comino, Gustavo González Cuevas, Beatriz Navarro Galve, Elena Velarde Fernández

Session 4c. Innovative Teaching Methods (II)

Thursday 25, 9:00 – 10:30. Room Aula 0.3
Chair: Joachim Griesbaum

(F) Elective Interdisciplinary Project Laboratories combined with Lectures on Demand as an innovative Teaching Method for Highly motivated Students
Anett Bailleu, Sophie Kröger, Matthias Menge, Andreas Münchow-Carus

(F) Microproject-based teaching/learning methodology focused on emerging technologies and international entities cooperation.
Julio Fernández-Ceniceros, Andrés Sanz-García, Fernando Antoñanzas-Torres, Manuel Alía-Martínez, Alpha Pernía-Espinoza

(F) Pedagogical Tools for Teaching Exploration
Terry Reilly

Session 5a. Entrepreneurship

Thursday 25, 11:00 – 12:00. Room Aula 0.1
Chair: Aleksandra Kulpa-Puczynska

(F) The model of cooperation with employers as the support measure for the development of entrepreneurial university potential
Aleksandra Kulpa-Puczynska

(S) Analyzing double degrees in Spain: A proposal.
Norat Roig-Tierno, Alicia Mas Tur, Belén Ribeiro Navarrete

(S) Higher Education in El Salvador: Pertinence and Education for Entrepreneurship
Pablo Pinazo-Dallenbach, Diana X. Tutistar-Rosero

Session 5b. Teacher Education

Thursday 25, 11:00 – 12:00. Room Aula 0.2
Chair: Gabriella Aleandri

(F) Training kindergarten and primary education student teachers to plan learning units combining TPACK, LAT and multimodality
Laura Messina, Sara Tabone

(S) Interdisciplinary learning and use of tics, a way of innovating in education
Roberto Pilar, Pedro Marcos, Amaia Arana, Anabella Barroso, Nerea Larretxi

(S) Teachers Education: a Project for Evaluation/Self Assessment in Educational and Lifelong Learning Way. A first Report of Research Experience
Gabriella Aleandri, Luca Girotti

Session 5c. Misc

Thursday 25, 11:00 – 12:00. Room Aula 0.3
Chair: Stephen Baldridge

(F) Out-of-classroom experiences: a survey of students’ perceptions of the learning process during internships
Josepa Alemany-Costa, Xavier Perramon Tornil

(S) Talk That Counts: Participation in Practicums and Student Success in Civil Engineering
Zachary Simpson, Jannes Bester

(S) The role of self-concept and expectations in academic achievement: a preliminary study
Lin Elinor Pettersson, Rosa Muñoz Luna

Keynote II

Thursday 25, 12:00 – 13:00. Room Salón de Actos

How to bridge the gap between professional practice and university education: A methodological approach
Ana Muñoz-Miquel

Poster session

Thursday 25, 14:30 – 15:45. Faculty Hall

(P) Academic Freedom as Fundamental Right
Roberto Cippitani

(P) Assessment feedback in higher education: preliminary results in a course of strategic management
Montserrat Boronat-Navarro, Beatriz Forés, Alba Puig-Denia

(P) Bridging Classroom to Experiential Learning: A Review of Signature Pedagogies in Two Disciplines
Victoria Simpson Beck, Karen King

(P) Data mining teaching throughout cards game competition
Javier Antoñanzas-Torres, Ruben Urraca, Enrique Sodupe-Ortega, Francisco Javier Martínez-De-Pison, Alpha Pernía-Espinoza

(P) Diagnostic and assessment of specific and transversal competences in Chemistry studies in a distance education program
David González, Alejandrina Gallego-Picó, Rosa Mª Garcinuño, Mª José Morcillo, Jesús Senén Durand, Pilar Fernández

(P) Enhancing the formative value of self- and peer-marking through ‘Test Workshops’
Laurie Woollacott

(P) Experimental characterisation of the motion of an inverted pendulum
Jose Antonio Gomez-Tejedor, Miguel Mollar, Juan Antonio Mosoriu

(P) Facebook usage by students in higher education
Nathalie Francine Wesseling

(P) Formative Learning Evaluation of university students as success factor
Olga Bombardelli

(P) Game boards as a review tool: an experience with undergraduate engineering students
Carmen Ibáñez Usach, Roberto Palma Guerrero, David Hernández Figueirido

(P) Implementing Formative Assessment at the Workplace: A Retrospective Analyses
Mohd Nasri Awang Besar, Saharuddin Ahmad, Mohamad Nurman Yaman, Muhammad Arif Kamarudin, Siti Mariam Bujang, Mark Davies, Maddalena Taras

(P) Introduction to the Pécs Model: Innovation in Teaching Medical History Taking
Ágnes Koppán, Katalin Eklicsné Lepenye, Renáta Halász, Judit Sebok, Gergo A. Molnár

(P) Optimising Peer Marking with Explicit Training: from Superficial to Deep Learning
Sabrina Caldwell, Tom Gedeon

(P) Pre-service Secondary teachers’ learning styles
José Roberto Sanz Ponce, Inmaculada Hernando Mora

(P) Recent trends and status of women in Higher Education in India
Kapil Ingole, Vicent Caballer, Stephanie Gallear

(P) ROSE to DELAROSE’ – Developing and transitioning a web-based pan European self-help programme for the management of work related stress.
John S.G. Wells, Cathal Ryan, Michael Bergin

(P) Saving Elephants in Africa – Concept to Reality through Experiential Engineering Design
Russell E Gorga, Jesse Jur

(P) Technical and Vocational Education in the Context of Reindustrialization. The Case of Romania
Paul Dobrescu, Loredana Radu

(P) The surveys: nexus between industry and academia
Javier Fernandez, Montserrat Cruells, Núria Escaja, José Antonio Garrido, Jaume Giménez, Montserrat Llauradó, Antonio Roca, Laura Rodriguez, Maria Lluïsa Sagristà, Carme Navarro, Oriol Bernad, Carla Escobar, Núria López

(P) University volunteering. The UJI-Voluntària programme at the Universitat Jaume I
Carmen Lázaro Guillamón, Mónica Garcia Renedo, Mar Valero Valero

Session 6a. Scientific and Research Education

Thursday 25, 16:15 – 17:45. Room Aula 0.1
Chair: Alicia Mas

(F) A Happy Marriage: Academia, Professional and Scientific Associations
Alfonso Díez Minguela, Mª Ángeles Pons Brias

(F) Innovating approaches for scientific education and research in environmental and marine sciences
Erika Mioni, Silvia Merlino

(S) Assessing the Teaching and Achieving of Research Skills
Henk Von Eije, Tanja Jaklofsky

Session 6b. Mobile Learning

Thursday 25, 16:15 – 17:45. Room Aula 0.2
Chair: Sophie Kröger

(F) Smartphone: a new device for teaching Physics
Jose Angel Sans, Javier Manjón, Vanesa Cuenca-Gotor, Marcos Herminio Gimenéz-Valentín, Isabel Salinas, J. J. Barreiro, Juan Antonio Monsoriu, Jose Antonio Gomez-Tejedor

(F) The Use of Mobility and Social Media to Improve Student Involvement
Stephen Baldridge, Amanda Roberts, Alexandra Reed, Amanda Ellard

(F) Towards a mobile flipped classroom: Using mobile instant messaging to enhance distributed learning of academically challenged students
Patient Rambe

Session 6c. Planning and Organization

Thursday 25, 16:15 – 17:45. Room Aula 0.3
Chair: Sara Tabone

(F) An Assessment of an Adult Learning Model: Implications for Replication
Jennifer Auletta Serowick, Alberto Jose Frick Cardelle

(F) Information technology students’ beliefs on industry certifications
Matti Koivisto

(F) Teaching Histories Critically: Developing Pedagogies for Historical Literacy Across the Disciplines
Nancy November

Session 7a. Computer-based Learning

Friday 26, 9:00 – 10:30. Room Aula 0.1
Chair: Preeti Patel

(F) Computer based learning and comprehension of power generation cycles using a model programmed in Engineering Equation Solver (EES): Analysis of a Gas- Turbine Brayton cycle
Carla Montagud, Joan Pons Llinares, Maria Cristina Rodríguez Monzonís

(F) Development of a Classification Scheme for Errors Observed in the Process of Computer Programming Education
Daniela Zehetmeier, Axel Böttcher, Anne Brüggemann-Klein, Veronika Thurner

(F) Learning from Feedback on Work-Related Learning: Skills Acquisition and Reality Check
Dominic Palmer-Brown, Fang Fang Cai, Preeti Patel

Session 7b. Internships

Friday 26, 9:00 – 10:30. Room Aula 0.2
Chair: Norat Roig-Tierno

(F) A formative approach to the relation of the university to companies: Beyond obtaining resources
Nivia Alvarez Aguilar, Jaime Arturo Castillo Elizondo, Arturo Torres Bugdud, Jorge Alejandro Cupich Guerrero

(F) Evaluation competency-based in Internship: especial reference to evaluation rubric and final reports
Margarita Moltó-Aribau, Ana Tena-Tarruella, Ana Vendrell-Vilanova

(F) Linking projects with value in credits to validate realisation of professional internship, the protocol in the FIAD – UABC.
José Luis Javier Sánchez González, Julian Israel Aguilar Duque, Jesús Salinas Coronado, Guillermo Amaya Parra, Víctor Manuel Juárez Luna, José Antonio Michel Macarty, Juan Iván Nieto Hipólito

Session 7c. Teaching and Learning Experiences

Friday 26, 9:00 – 10:30. Room Aula 0.3
Chair: Eric Lee

(F) Blended Learning in a Postgraduate ICT course
Sandra Sendra Compte, Jose M. Jimenez, Lorena Parra, Jaime Lloret

(S) Collaborative web-based learning spaces: Introduction to Housing
Nadia Charalambous, Carla Sentieri

(S) Correlation of figurative insight indicators in the experience of future art pedagogues
Baiba Reinberga, Beatrise Garjane

(S) Introducing emotions in the architectural design process
Francisco Juan-Vidal, Susana Iñarra-Abad

(S) Teaching Musical Expression through Visualization of Musical Cues
Priyeshni Jayathika Peiris-Perera

Keynote III

Friday 24, 11:00 – 12:00. Room Salón de Actos

Effective ways to enhance collaboration in the classroom
José V. Benlloch-Dualde


Friday 26, 12:00 – 12:30. Room Salón de Actos