All posts by admin

Agreement between JFLET and HEAd’17

We are glad to announce that HEAd’17 and the Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology (JFLET) have reached a partnership agreement.

JFLET is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. It publishes two regular issues each year (February and August), with submissions being published online as soon as they successfully complete the reviewing and editorial processes. The journal has a broad scope incorporating the following sections: Research Articles, Review Articles, Book Reviews and Educational Materials. Topics of interest in these sections include, but are not limited to, research into: Education, Foreign/Second Language Learning/Teaching, ICTs and Educational Material Development.

Authors of accepted papers related to these topics are invited to submit an extended version of the works presented in HEAd’17 to JFLET, for evaluation and possible publication (free of charge). JFLET is indexed by numerous organizations, including for instance Google Scholar, Advanced Science Index, Electronic Journals Library, DOAJ and J-Gate. You can find complete information about JFLET in its website. The submission of papers to JFLET must be performed using the online system which you can find in this link. You must indicate the ID of the paper accepted in HEAd’17.

We are sure this is a very good opportunity. We encourage you to submit your extended work to JFLET!

Agreement between EDUCADE and HEAd’17

We are glad to announce that HEAd’17 and the Spanish Journal of Accounting, Finance and Management Education (EDUCADE) have reached a partnership agreement.

Authors of accepted papers related to Finance, Accounting, Economics and Management are invited to submit an extended version of the works presented in HEAd’17 to EDUCADE, for evaluation and possible publication in a fast track. Since 2015, EDUCADE is present in the Emerging Sources Citation Index from Thomson Reuters. You can find complete information about EDUCADE in its website. The submission of papers to EDUCADE must be performed following the instructions in this link. You must indicate the ID of the paper accepted in HEAd’17.

We are sure this is a very good opportunity. We encourage you to submit your extended work to EDUCADE journal!