W3. Reinventing University: the Digital Challenge in Higher Education Workshop

Date: June 19
Time: 14:00 – 18:00

New education sources are emerging, representing both a solution and a challenge for students, schools and universities. Online learning could be considered an essential instrument for the future of the EHEA, especially in light of the digital transformation produced by the covid pandemic. Online delivery challenges HE and policy making. Technology is changing HE, although it is under-utilised. In line with the objectives of the European Innovation Agenda, the Higher education system has to support Europe’s innovation capacity, developing digital skills and big data analysis to prepare future policies and guarantee future sustainable growth and cohesion. Further, data has become a key asset for our societies, and the need to make sense of ‘big data’ and the new application of AI is a crucial priority across the EU. These changes require HEIs to review organisation, management, evaluation processes, relations systems and competencies framework for teaching and learning and, above all, the meaning of the university’s mission in the digital society, the values towards which to direct, conduct and disseminate research. This also implies an ethical responsibility regarding the choices and priorities to be pursued for the present and the future of the next generations.

Goals & Objectives: The overarching goal of this workshop is for Researchers, students, educators, teachers, scholars, academics, scientists, professionals, experts, and decision-makers interested to cooperate in promoting an inter-connected HE system and address digital transformation and innovation in learning and teaching practices with the aim to create a hub of universities and research institutes that can work on the issues of digitization of the HE system at the European level, share best practices, and promote collaboration among different institutions of the HE system.

Based on these premises, the workshop Call, according to an interdisciplinary approach, will consider theoretical and empirical papers addressing to the main track at the meta, macro, meso or micro level.


Stefania Capogna is an Associate Professor at Link Campus University in Italy. She is also the founder and director of the Digital Technologies, Education & Society research centre and the academic journal “Quaderni di Comunità”. People, education and welfare in society 5.02. She looks at the education system as a unitary macro-sector in which education-training-university-work converges. In recent years, she has focused on the transformations induced by the digital revolution, with two privileged lines of intervention: a) social effects of the digital revolution on people, organisations and community;  b) empowerment for people, organisations and communities.

Erika Zuperkiene is a Professor at Klaipeda University in Lithuania,  Chairperson of the Faculty Council and of the Quality Committee of studies, scientific Deputy Editor of the journal “Regional Formation and Development Studies”, member of scientific borders of 3 different scientific journals, a member of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA). The members of the Association seek to improve the quality of educational research on educational development and educational progress.  She finished her PhD (2008) in social sciences (management). Her research interests: are entrepreneurship, leadership, human resource management, resilience, and corporate social responsibility.


  1. Governance and digital innovation in HEs (90 minutes)
  • Alignment between Digital Strategies and Educational Practices in Higher Education Infrastructures;
  • needs and perspective of improvement in the re-organisation of HEIs based in order to digital transition;
  • how higher education institutions can comprehend and address digital transformation in all its internal and external articulations;
  • new training model to respond to new knowledge and skills demands, in a context of a universal entitlement to LLL;
  • the promotion of online quality relationships and e-learning standards;
  • the transformation of the university into a complex organisation, and the rethinking of the professional development system;
  • the development of best practices in training and skills development for “online” learning in higher education (HE)

Discussion (30 minutes)

2. The present and the future of Research in front of digital transformation (90 minutes)

  • risks and opportunities AI poses to HEIs and research in  building and disseminating scientific knowledge
  • innovative model in building and disseminating scientific knowledge
  • how the field of research changes in the digital society

Discussion (30 minutes)